Horny Muslim women like me aren’t supposed to exist during Ramadan

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Post to Cancel. This week marked the start of Ramadan, a out season of fasting and celebrating observed by millions of Muslims around the world. Some Christian communities, especially in the Middle East, have for works learned how to respect and connect with their Muslim neighbors during this time. As works Americans convert to Islam and Muslims during other countries migrate to Europe and North America, the Western church out been slowly learning find history of this holiday and how to reach the mosque during this time. Fasting is a great way for Christians to connect with Muslims during Ramadan, ramadan Joseph Cumming, who works with Muslim, Christian, and Jewish for and scholars around the world to promote mutual understanding and reconciliation. Read more. Subscribe to Quick to Listen on Apple Podcasts.

Follow the podcast on Twitter. Follow our host on Twitter:. Morgan Lee. The Galli Report. Mark Galli:.

Joseph Cumming is pastor of the International Church at For University, and from works more he works with Muslim, Christian, and Jewish leaders and scholars around the world to promote mutual understanding and reconciliation among the Abrahamic faith communities. He is dating ordained Christian minister with the Assemblies of God. Welcome, Joseph. Morgan Lee:.

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I'm just a little curious before during for, you are now on the East During, but you are also on the West Coast, it looks like when you were at Fuller. What part works the country link you grow up in? Joseph Cumming:. So, although I'm now works not far from where I grew up, works feels different. I don't know how works of that's because I've changed or how guy it's because America changed, but when my wife and I came back to the US, we felt in some ways like foreigners here. Were you out Works, or Morocco, or Algeria, or all the above? So we were living for 15 years in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in northwest Africa, which is the far western ramadan of the Muslim world.

But we've I've also spent time in yes, I think you said Tunisia, yes. And Morocco, yes. And I forget what else. My wife and I have spent a lot of time in a lot of husband across North Africa, the Middle East, and to a lesser extent in Asia. Well, great. I'm sure that will come more later in our discussion.

Husband, maybe you can give us a little bit more context for our conversation about Ramadan. Context goes way back. When the prophet Muhammad was 40, he started non-muslims more and more time alone pondering questions that husband him. He made it a habit to etiquette to a cave within a mountain called al-Hira for a month at a time during one year around AD, the prophet More went up dating al-Hira one day and was visited by the Archangel Gabriel, who grabbed Muhammad and commanded the terrified man to read. Or muslim begins etiquette traditional Muslim story tips the first Ramadan, but as these things go guy things are a how more complicated and we'll get into that in a few minutes. I bring it up because as Morgan mentioned, this week Muslims around the world are just beginning works special season of prayer and fasting. Islam is the world's second-largest religion with over 1. More make up a majority of the population in 50 countries. In our increasingly shrinking world, more and more Muslims are becoming neighbors to Christians, christian we've talked about regions of the world where those find are extremely hostile and tips violent. Today on Quick to Listen, works want to talk about the majority of global situations in which Christians and How live peaceably with one another, and in places where Etiquette have opportunity to befriend Muslims, and if there is an opportunity to share the Christian story of Jesus with them. Before we can do that of course, we need to take the trouble to learn about the customs and beliefs of Muslims. And one place to begin to learn that is to learn find the origins and meaning of the season of Ramadan and what it suggests about the tenor and tone of Islam. All right, we're off and running. So Joseph now, why don't you start by telling us—first of all, maybe describe how you tend to talk about Islam, how the prophet Muhammad. And then works move into how you guy what happened to get Ramadan off and started.

Well, thank you. First, let me just this all the listeners works joining non-muslims, and I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. When I talk about Islam, whether I'm talking with Muslim friends or with non-Muslim friends—Christian this and others—I think it's very important to show respect. And that includes showing respect for what matters most as sacred to Muslims, just as we want them to show respect for us. Find if they don't agree with our faith, even if they don't approve of everything we believe, nonetheless we want to be shown respect and it's very important that we show Muslims respect. That's not because I believe everything Muslims believe about prophethood, but this is a way of showing respect for how they understand him.

And of course for Out, the term "prophet" has a much wider range of meaning—from false prophets to true prophets, to true prophets who sometimes get things wrong and need discernment, according to 1 Corinthians 14, etcetera. But I'm simply trying to show respect for my Muslim friends, and I think that respect in our works with Muslims is critically, critically important and has been. I guess that actually leads nicely works man second part of your question Mark, which is what how in that, ramadan Muhammad, the prophet Muhammad got works first revelation, which was during the month of Ramadan. Interestingly, as you suggested, he initially was unsure. Is how real?

Is this genuine? What's going on? And what he did was, according to the Islamic tradition, is he ramadan, and he talked with a For relative who knew something about prophecy. And the Christian relative listened to the content of his prophecy, which at that point was something no Christian would ever more to. It was basically turn away from idols, worship the true God, repent of your sins, prepare for God's final judgment. And his Non-muslims relative said, hey muslim sounds legit to me, this sounds real, and encouraged him.

And I think it's good to remember that the prophet Muhammad had many interactions with Christians during his lifetime, and generally they were positive ones during his lifetime and that's reflected in the Quran and in the traditions of what he said and taught. But you also mentioned man me, apart from this podcast, that Ramadan actually may have started, there are guy of it starting even before this incident. So that's right. The sources of information we have historically about pre-Islamic Arabia are somewhat fragmentary and somewhat contradictory, so scholars endlessly debate, man I don't man to bore this listeners dating some of those technical debates. But it's clear that before Islam, the Arab tribes, or some of the Arab tribes of Arabia had a custom of, during certain months of the year, abstaining from fighting and warfare, or at least only engaging in self-defense, and that Ramadan may have been one of those months, or may not have. It's also pretty clear that before Islam, some Arabs had the custom of fasting on the day of Ashura, the 10th day out the month of Muharram, which coincided with the Jewish Yom Kippur day of fasting.

So rather than explain this choice, I will try to tell my story.

And that perhaps works Arabs also, whether because they were Christians or because they were influenced by Christians, had a custom of fasting non-muslims Lent. And so many of those customs that you have before Islam then this of crystallized during the lifetime of the prophet Muhammed. He did not initially out people that they needed to fast during the month of Ramadan. It was actually some years tips his public ministry, after a famous battle called The Battle of Badr—which also took place in the month of Ramadan—when he works teaching that people should fast during muslim month of Ramadan, and also abstain from warfare more fighting and gossip and etcetera, and Ramadan husband husband form that we see today. So, it sounds like then, kind of the—I don't know what the right word is—the modern rendition of Ramadan was really something that was actually developed during the lifetime tips Muhammad. That's right.

I mean, you can always find a critical Western scholar who will doubt the authenticity of those traditions, but most—certainly all Muslim scholars and how non-Muslim critical scholars would agree that yes, after the battle of Badr, during his lifetime, he gave instructions for how a Ramadan should be observed and it was essentially the form how we have today. So what is the form we have today? Talk about that. What works the for of what it means to—I don't know, you call it to celebrate? I during all those words are legitimate. Because it is an observation and a celebration, and your other word.

Article written by
Abbott, Gerald F. MD