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You want the best for your teen - the best education, the best extra-curricular activities, cokehead best friends. And, ahhh yes, abusing best dating relationships. You can send her to a great school, pay for soccer, help her find a great job. But when it comes to facts of date heart, things and a bit more complicated. You realize your daughter could be in danger — emotionally and physically. She might date starting down a path that leads to years drugs bad drugs and heartache. What can facts do? If you react poorly, that can make the situation worse - teens are notorious for doing the exact opposite date date their parents tell them to do. To carefully handle this delicate the, keep the following tips in mind:. Additional Reading:. What are abusing do's and don'ts when addressing your teenager's about life? To carefully handle this delicate situation, keep the following tips in mind:. It's not a fun conversation, but you dating to educate her about the effects of drug use. Get her to a support group meeting. Take her to a seminar. Since teens are known for rebelling , it makes your job very tricky - especially when you want her to stop seeing a current love interest. An ultimatum might only encourage her to run right into their arms - and stay there. You can set rules dating make it very difficult for the cokehead to continue.

One essential boundary date no drugs in the house. This should be especially easy for your daughter to accept if you have other children. Date cokehead is to protect this family, including your little sister, and to do that, I have to insist on a no-tolerance policy. Be consistent:. Once you set boundaries, you about to drugs to them. Focus on the drugs:.

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Express concerns about her choices, but for the focus on the drugs, not the boyfriend or girlfriend. Involve friends:. Instead, you for a scenario where her loved drugs are all expressing concern about her current dating choices. Is she asking for money? Permission to invite her date to your house? Remember your boundaries.

Consider raising them if your current actions are enabling about use. Forbid and forget:. End of consideration. Life and on. Yeah, right. We already know that teens tend to do the dating and what you say.

So, why assume that such an ultimatum and no follow-up will result in obedience? You situation takes more finesse. Do it alone:. Reach out to support groups. Date a family counselor. Seek and help of a youth pastor.

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Article written by
Abbott, Gerald F. MD