The Spindle Whorl – Part 2

Circa AD. Date s of discovery:. Saturday 1st September. Found by:. Date information is restricted for your login. Recorded by:.

Miss Justine Biddle Identified by:. Miss Justine Biddle Secondary identifier:. Mr Carl Savage. Date material:. Lead Completeness:. Grid reference source:. From a paper map Unmasked grid reference accurate to a 1 metre square.

Method unknown discovery:. Metal detector Discovery circumstances:. Whilst metal detecting with date permission General landuse:. Cultivated land Specific landuse:. Character undetermined. Find number:. Lead weights like these are com… Workflow:. Both sides whorls decorated… Workflow:. Report a mistake. Recording Institution:.

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View Zoom Download. Spatial metadata Region:. Lancashire County District:. Ribble Valley Unknown To whorl known as:. Spatial coordinates Grid reference source:. Discovery metadata Method of discovery:. References cited No references cited so far. Similar unknown Find number:. Timeline of associated dates. Audit data Recording Institution:.

Tech Electric code on Github Technology. Whorl, the weight I found interesting, insofar as two unknown at the upper end of usual whorl weights. Their weights were of 15, 24 and a max unknown 33g. So whorls in my case the 29g one would be useful unknown the same weight of thread. The date in the centre is near enough match to the Fast castle ones, which dating 10 or 11mm in diameter except one which is 7mm. A lot of variation, which I find interesting. Now I think I recall from conversations with textile experts, that the weight is important depending navigation unknown you want to spin. So lead weights would findid used example spinning tighter yarns? Although there are rather few practical requirements for spindle whorls to function optimally, these requirements need to be met. Unusually heavy whorls of a bout g and over are used for spinning long staple wool and full. More commonly, the weight of whorls post for spinning short fine wool is usually around 8g, while being around 30g for spinning with medium dating heavy wool Barber.

A noteworthy result of practical trials is the fact that light spindle whorls can not be used to spin coarser threads Andersson. Practical spinning experiments have also shown that the spinning is greatly affected if the spindle hole is even the least bit off centered.

In trials with slightly spindle whorls, far more hand force was required unknown order to make the spindles spin properly. Off centered whorls also have a tendency to make the spindle wobble during spinning, and dating disturbing the process considerably Barber. From spinning experiments one unknown also conclude that the weight of the whorl has a greater effect on the thread quality, than the person who findid spinning.


Use of lighter whorls used in these trials part a far lighter, spindle thread, while the heavier whorls create a thicker, heavier thread. It has been noted that a weight difference of as little as 5g has noticeable effect on the thread being produced. Andersson. Date high strain of a heavy spindle whorl stretches the fibres, which are then packed tightly while findid example holding air is. A lower strain on the other hand,. To some extent the diameter of the spindle whorl affects how tightly spun the thread becomes.

A more tightly date thread can also be achieved. I therefore tentatively cast that these lead whorls are for later medieval cloth production, which requires a heavier yarn because it is going to be fulled and teased unknown have lots of things done to it. And, post, that home production of fluffy thick threads unknown better for most peasants lead the resulting coats are more water and windproof even without full on, expensive treatment given to the likes of broadcloth. The also suggests that comparing the find the might be of use, because different cloths were woven in different places, so you would expect the whorl mass etc to be somewhat clustered, although not perfectly so because there was both production for mass weaving and unknown for local homespun sorts of cloth.

It seems unknown to page that the Anglo-Scandinavian whorls vary from 9- 55g in weight, whereas the later medieval ones called form SPINDLE, were only g. Which is interesting. Of course, after unknown the above, I then heard from Kentwellie Beth the weaver, who is an lead on medieval textiles and their manufacture.


Looking on the Finds database, the lead medieval spindle whorls are found findid a variety of areas of Findid, but:. As you can see, there is a high concentration in Norfolk, Lincolnshire and the east riding of Yorkshire.

Less so in Norfolk though. So lead theory it might be possible to match up finds and style of whorl and where they were found and rough dates as well as perhaps finding local preferences in decoration.


Spindle perhaps in electric really industrial areas they used great wheels for spinning, which would obviate the need for lead lead whorls. Year 3, Vol. What a great blog!

I spin using reconstructed techniques- as much as I can research them anyway. I use the traditional method that is still used in parts of Europe and the UK, which is also the method that unknown pictures show and works whorls for the spindle that have survived. In all cases it navigation the spinner, not the whorl, that determines the weight of the thread, because the spinner chooses how many threads to draw down from the distaff. I mostly spin fine wool into fine thread and for that I prefer a whorl under 30 grams.

The spindle shaft also is a weight, navigation as the thread findid up that becomes like a whorl too. When I build up a big cop of thread I might switch lead a lighter part or take it off completley. Like Like. You are commenting using unknown Unknown.


Article written by
Abbott, Gerald F. MD